A Quantum MeMoir Journal Page
The following etymological entries are from: https://www.etymonline.com/
state (n.1)
c. 1200, "circumstances, position in society, temporary attributes of a person or thing, conditions," from Old French estat "position, condition; status, stature, station
state (v.)
1590s, "to set in a position," from state (n.1); the sense of "declare in words" is first attested 1640s,
state (n.2)
"political organization of a country, supreme civil power, government," c. 1300, from special use of state (n.1);
To read more about what flow is and it's etymology, see my article 'Where's Your Flow?' Flow state is when we harness the flow within and transmute it's push-pull force, or yearning, to create something tangible. It's different from a conventional act of creation or brainstorming. In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda says, "Do. Or do not. There is no try." When we put the mind aside for a moment and are just in tune with pure, raw passion, one is able to 'get in the zone,' one has entered flow state.
We've all entered flow state at least once. Going back to your earliest memories of playing sports, dancing or playing an instrument in a recital, writing an essay for class, or writing a poem to release emotions you were not able to share with another. You moved effortlessly through that game, that recital, that writing session. There was no overthinking or having to recall certain facts or rules necessary to play, everything just was- just is. It proved that a creative process within you has the overwhelming possibility to win at life in your moment of now with tangible proof. That's flow state. It is a position, a declaration, an organization of power where the body, the mind, and the soul act as one cohesive vehicle. So let's see flow state within my Quantum MeMoir Journal for January:
Day 1- Purpose:
So, what can I do to bring myself closer to flow state? Clear the way! Pay attention to blockages. These are unreleased negative emotions from trauma, guilt over the past, worry over the future, addictions, not having closure, disease, chronic pain, dealing with a toxic person, anger, or not enjoying life. While it is counterintuitive to work on everything all at once, I'll pick one thing I can do. Once that block is cleared, at a later date, I can come back to this journal and refocus on a different block.
Brainstorming how to go about clearing...
Start counting my blessings first thing in the morning. We hear so much about the importance of gratitude and how it literally changes one's attitude, but given the cynicism of the collective, it is evident that not enough people are practicing this. Am I a gratitude practitioner? Yes, I am; however, I can do better! More prayer... more pep talks...aloud! Our brains are like computers, and they are programmable. The question is who is programming it? If you are not, then begin doing so with affirmations.
I AM _______. It seems awkward at first, but given that the mystery of life seems to be connected to sound, I'm betting more of the sounds I need to hear will make changes in the cellular structure and nervous system, two key components in brain health. Hmmm... Or how about OM...
Literally clearing the body by fasting. The benefits of fasting are underrated. It is not recommended to share your intention to fast, except to those who you live with, because most people will immediately criticize your efforts. Most people are ignorant to the benefits, the protocol, and the process of fasting and usually think of it as a pseudoscience or equate it with starvation. The benefits of fasting are life changing and mind altering! Seriously, whatever your ailment, see what fasting can do for it!
Day 2- Intention:
I'll be making observations for the rest of the week on my gratitude adjustment and my prayer intake. My main focus of clearing will be my chakras. I learned of chakras early in my career as a massage therapist and always thought of the chakra charts and system as an idea, not real energy. Lo and behold, they are very real and can be felt. Not only that, it is how your body speaks to you. We are energy. I've had quite a bit of the warm fuzzies in my sacral chakra, so I will be focusing on that. Also, my heart chakra, and my root chakra- the only one I haven't yet even felt. Eek! My grounding rituals need some work. Getting back to my roots this week!
Day 3- Observe:
In 2018 I began feeling my chakras opening up. A great thing about this journal exercise is that you can focus on these 'needed' observations of the body with purposeful intent. I had not felt the root chakra prior to this journal exercise, so that has been my main focus this week. I've listened to root chakra meditations almost every day and also really tried to understand the sources of emotional and physical pain that has increased since the end of 2018.
Recognize the superficial reasons of pain, such as, one parent was largely absent from my life. But instead of focusing on what I felt was missing in my life, I began to really look at my reactions to my sense of loss- the deeper issues. Also, any defenses I've attached myself to needed more scrutiny. I see the hows, but the whys are reflective of my actions. So if I can root out those whys, I can begin the process of removing them, replacing them, or accepting them. And I did. And I felt my root chakra- finally!
It was a great feeling, to have finally unearthed the source of my insensitivity. We tend to want to change people or situations when things aren't growing how we want, but if we don't make the decision to learn and practice healthy self-growth, those same weeds will continue to pop up no matter the job, the relationship, and the house. If we don't tend to the why, how makes no difference. What is the purpose of this or that? And if there isn't one, before leaving, perhaps we can create a suitable one.
The root chakra is red. Note the description of the color red on today's journal page. Metabolism, blood, energy, strength, power, determination, and passion are all foundational aspects of all living things. Eating red foods, and especially root vegetables, literally walking barefoot on the earth, affirmations that declare one's strength and worth, regular physical assertion, and setting boundaries for interpersonal relationships are all ways to be grounded in one's being.
I am really excited about a project I am getting prepared for- a friendship garden! The people that I have crossed paths with mean so much to me, probably more than I meant to them or more than they realize. In honor of all the beautiful people I've been blessed to know, I intend to plant a flower in their stead as a way to show that my growth was not only of my own understanding, but of all the wisdom and life lessons I needed- the reason we came into each other's lives. I'll definitely be blogging about it too, and I believe this project will help me get better rooted!
Day 4 - Connect:
The purpose of life is relationships. So this one is always hardest for me. My entire life, I've tended to feel disconnected from the rest of the world, but I am learning the reason is because connect is a how. My why, my purpose, for this or that relationship is what I bring to the table. And all my relationships with everyone and everything are reflections of what I bring to the table. That's pretty sobering! When I stand in my truth and am met with encouragement, the other has recognized the gruesomeness of self-work and embraces my truth without judgement.
I recently reconnected with a woman I hung out with in middle school. We immediately recognized each other, not from childhood years, but it was a soul recognition that I had not noticed when I was younger. Anyway, she reached out to me and asked if I was grounding myself regularly- just out of the blue! But it wasn't coincidence, it was one of those magical little gifts life hands out when we take the time to notice. Ironically, while I had been focusing on getting rooted, I had not grounded the day she reached out. So that little conversation really put things in perspective for me. If I don't show up for me, why on Earth would I expect anyone else to show up for me? By the way, my old new friend is an amazing medium! Check her out: https://www.facebook.com/IntuitiveMediumMelanietheMessenger/
Day 5 - Express:
I'm a busy bee! And when I'm not busy, I tend to fill my day to day with many to dos! Homeschooling, rebuilding your house yourself with not much time or resources (Thanks, hurricane harvey!), building a business, and making time for friends and family is a lot, not to mention, I'm in the midst of a trigeminal neuralgia flare up that is super stubborn and refuses to go away. And of course, that list doesn't even include the regular household management's list of duties. Today, I did something a little different. I just had to get away. I had to get us away! So we all woke up at 6am and drove to the beach to watch the sunrise.
We never saw it! There was a thick fog covering the sky. It was nice to get out of the regular hubbub for a bit, and although I didn't see what I expected, what I found, the fog, I needed. The idea of clarity has been popping up in my thoughts and in various conversations. And today it was loud and clear! There's too much fog. Time to do something different to clear the air.
Day 6 - Refine:
Just keep moving! While some may think I can be too hard on myself, I do know when to pause. I refine by continuing forward until I know I need to stop, pause, turn, or start over. And with each move, I am learning to shed what doesn't work right now.
Day 7 - Gratitude:
Grounding and getting to the root of things is important to my state of flow. If I am grounded, the flow outside doesn't have much effect on my inner being, and I can learn the art of sexual energy transmutation. Or just transmutation. When we harness those creative energies in our work and our relationships with stability of our essence, we have the power to affect change. Change starts with me, by removing the blocks or by recognizing when it is time to move around the fixture. It's vital to see when to let in and when to let go. I'm thankful that pain can show me this. It's only a matter of resistance, and growing roots helps to keep my feet firmly planted.
For more information on the process of the Quantum MeMoir journal, see Luis Miguel Martínez' article, Improve Your Life in 7 Days .
This is my completed journal page on 'Flow State':