-This is a collection of poems I wrote in November 2011. The theme of the collection is ‘The Wheel of Progress,’ which is the pinnacle of a classical education. When learning about life, it is important not to compartmentalize subjects, because each is needed to appreciate and enhance the other angles or ‘spokes’ on the learning wheel. All must be learned together. I try to harness the beauty of this wheel in the collection.
The Wheel of Progress
Trapping compartments
A part from engaging
Makes no sense
To a wheel of progress
That continues where it left
And it leaves no beginning
Thus completely engaging
The reader and thinker
The mover and shaker
The bender and biter
Renegade and fighter
Life is learning
Cannot be undone
And a spoke removed is
An illusion to the faithless
Who cannot see the layout
That learning is the life of a wheel
Of a whole man revolving.
The Mathematics of Truth
They say all truth is relative-
An apathetic philosophy
Hinging on fearful subtractions,
Where the dividend is my end.
Divide and conquer.
The need for reason is symbolic.
Actively investigating
Algorithms that must multiply
The accuracy of one and one.
A hole is now whole.
Where symbols become the reason
To philosophize a constant,
A force of common denominators
And fractional exponents are
Imperfect beauties.
Expressing the sum of artistry.
Truth is established not by mere chance.
It is the sum of salvation,
That a man may reciprocate
The oneness of God.
Germ Theories of Life
Now shifting to double speak,
of the merciful elite.
The club of exclusivity
Mr. Pasteur, are you aware
Of Germs on the crust of welfare?
The welfare of good men is the
pursuit of an adventure.
The welfare of great men is the
liberation of status
that binds a man to see himself
as filth.
Yet when the bound embrace the free,
Idioms of a pursuit
that will reveal all mysteries
when the scientific minds
understand and are so inclined
to see.
That progress is a science
the masters seek to destroy
And defy, and deny guidance.
Mr. Pasteur, the renegade,
who brought back value- an upgrade
To life.
Chronicling the End of the Status Quo
One thing about history is that nothing is withheld
From those whose intention is to learn
And dispel any errors in world views
That engaged in wars
Ending a history.
One thing about history is that men will no doubt repeat
It, when it has been read for entertainment
Where chewing is not involved, but
gorging information, that is
Forsaking history.
One thing about history is that one may be inspired
By the profound and mundane chronicles
Of a life that saved or killed
But in the end, history
Confirms the truth.
One thing about the truth is that it creates histories
Of people that understand work and beauty
Where morals bring scores of people
To create a new history
Against the status quo.
Critical Literacy
Intentional discourses
Where twain may discover
White elephants that dance
Or save worlds of peoples
That say what they mean and mean what they say
Irritating bunyan
That provokes those intentions
On yellowed brick roads
Causing men to take
A Stephen King kind of stand by me
Eliminating worries
Hester Prynne would have pursued
The man that hath no music in himself
Once his view was considered
And revealed to be a façade
Enlightening flames of passion
To keep all senses alive and well
And working to discourse creations
Where destiny is played upon a stage
And every interpretation counts
Fine Art Impassionate
Scents of a rose imprint love on one’s heart
Beauty is as beauty seems to inhale
Allure and grandeur, that ever-waking
essence where illusions never miss a fail
Give impression of a presto, impressed though
serenading muses bring life to death
And back again, revelation of the mind
Where the tone is trill, nocturnes set sail upon a cleft
Air brush the aging lines of the world’s decline
with paint, Alas a visual archetype
Hues are clues to past hopes, oh vivid and dreary
And dreamy montage, imposed tonights
Acanthus leaf motif of the classical
Fine artistry a working man creates
mindful of the downbeat octave
One poetic column may illustrate
Aesthetically speaking in turn
The senses are alive this night, where love
is fine art impassionate and explicit,
To the degree of height beyond above.
The Destiny of Grammar
Subject, verb linking predicate pieces
Simple to complex, structured in patterns of four
Simply eloquent, a pen may dance in rhythm
Beginning and end of lines of thought before
Sound doctrine requires interrogation
To give the imperative command away
To declare or exclaim is a matter for muse
Who keeps the words in line, where worlds may stay
Cohesive and designed to bring order to chaos
Where the active is passively waited upon
Meticulous expression of a noun’s face
Reveal the heart of the matter, echelon
That keeps a theater in its business
Creating and remaking the world of words
Where grammar rules the forefront of mention
And parts of speech become initiatives
So the prim is not primitive, but proper
And proof enough that run-ons are symbolic
Disregards towards another’s destiny
That he might countdown to the ironic
That he might find all the worlds words
A discoursed version of destiny on hold.
Photo Credit: William Blake’s “Ancient of Days”