You really need to watch this. Really.
The key word to raising your vibration, lifting your spirits, or that real change within is 'authenticity.' I cannot stress enough how imperative it is to be true to yourself. You must shed the lies. You must be brutally honest with yourself. You must question every thought, every deed, every intention. It's scary, I know! But when you begin to do this, you will quickly start seeing how much of your thoughts and actions are not really you, and instead they are that of your parents, grandparents, school, authority figures, friends, and all your social circles. And when you see all the blanks, you will then drift into areas of life forbidden from those social circles. You will question your safety, your sanity, and your salvation. This is necessary, because then you will yearn for the truth and you will find it as long as you continue the search for it. Don't ever be settled in what you find, because what you find is a degree of another's philosophy. And it may be good enough, but always search for the truth. Always point at the lies you tell yourself and your children. It's okay to be content with yourself, as long as you acknowledge where your truths came from. The collective voice is very powerful, but your voice is needed more.
So tell your story. Face your pain. Embrace your suffering. This is how you end it, and this is the only way to that end. When you tell your story, you open doors unknown to which you may enter and find healing. And others will hear you and weep, because they too have a similar story. They too were afraid, but your story gave them strength. The more you tell your story, the better able you are to recognize your own lies. When this happens, you may loathe yourself for a bit, but then you will begin to loathe the lie and do everything in your power to separate yourself from it. This is authenticity. You will begin to distance yourself from your people, or they may even begin to distance themselves from you, at first. It just means your energies no longer resonate with one another. And there is always hope for you to come together again, when your energies once again are in tune. What's really cool, is you begin to know when others are telling lies. You'll be able to tell the truth tellers from the charlatans. YOUR story is a powerful weapon!
This is how you heal yourself. This is how you heal others. This is how you get closer to God. This is how you embrace oneness with all. This is how you recognize your nothingness, your being-ness. This is how you love yourself and others. Do it. And win. ❤️